Tohoku University Web Application System for “Certificate of Eligibility (COE)”
東北大学在留資格認定証明書(COE) Web申請システム
ID / Password Application / ID / パスワード申請画面
Please use this system to enter the necessary information for the Certificate of Eligibility (COE).
First, enter your name and e-mail address, select a status of residence, and click "Confirm" to receive your system log-in ID and password.

はじめに、このシステムへログインする際のID / パスワードを発行するため、

All personal information submitted by applicants to the Tohoku University Web Application System for "Certificate of Eligibility (COE)" will be handled with care as per Tohoku University's regulations on personal information protection and used solely for educational purposes, such as the COE application, enrollment procedures, pre-enrollment instruction, follow-up surveys, post-enrollment student support (scholarships, tuition waivers and health management etc.) and academic advising, or in connection with tuition collection etc.

東北大学在留資格認定証明書(COE) Web申請システムの申請者の個人情報は, 在留資格認定証明書交付申請、入学手続、入学前教育、追跡調査、入学後の学生支援関係(奨学・授業料免除及び健康管理等)及び修学指導等の教育目的並びに授業料徴収等の目的にのみ利用し、 東北大学における個人情報の保護規程に従い慎重に取り扱います。

Tohoku University Policy on Personal Information
Tohoku University handles the personal information of all applicants and entrants in strict accordance with Japanese law.
1 All personal information gathered by Tohoku University shall be treated with due care in compliance with the Law for the Protection of Personal Information Retained by Independent Administrative Institutions, and the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Tohoku University, and security measures will be taken to protect it.
2 Personal information, such as examination scores, used to screen applicants will be used exclusively for educational purposes, such as selecting applicants, enrollment procedures, pre-enrollment instruction, follow-up surveys, post-enrollment student support (scholarships, tuition waivers and health management etc.) and academic advising, or in connection with tuition collection etc.

1) 本学が保有する個人情報は,「独立行政法人等の保有する個人情報の保護に関する 法律」等の法令を遵守するとともに,「国立大学法人東北大学個人情報保護規程」に基づき 厳密に取り扱い,個人情報保護に万全を期しています。
2) 入学者選抜に用いた試験成績等の個人情報は,入学者の選抜,入学手続,入学前教育, 追跡調査,入学後の学生支援関係(奨学・授業料免除及び健康管理等)及び修学指導等の 教育目的並びに授業料徴収等の関係にのみ利用します。